
09/08/2022 | digital

some backstory: in the summer of 2022, i worked full-time at a gas station. about 90% of the time, i ran the store completely by myself. it could be quite the adventure, but when it got late, or the weather got bad enough that no one came in, i'd get incredibly bored. we had a radio that really only had two options - garbage pop country station that made a mockery of truly lovely country music - and the top 80s hits. as you can probably guess, i would usually turn it to the 80s hits when i clocked in. while i was cleaning or just sitting around waiting for customers, i'd listen to 80s music and imagine characters. thus, i started imagining a love story about two furry girls, set in late 1980s america, inspired by the music i'd grown so used to and by the 80s movies i've always adored.

this character is roxanne, the a-list movie star who finds herself going through burnout after the way the public has treated her. her public persona is that of a beautiful, preppy, sexy actress, but in her private life, she's an exhausted and lonely woman who just wants to be seen for who she really is.