the ihop incident

12/12/2022 | digital

autobio comics usually embellish the incident they're covering, but i do genuinely think this comic is tame compared to what actually happened. i was on a tight schedule, and only had two or three weeks to put this together for my final project in one of my comic classes. if i had more time, i would have illustrated the part of this adventure where we drove through the airport because we were so lost. (this would not be the last time something like that happened to me, either.)

this comic has kind of remained trapped in the vault for a while. why? because these characters represent real people - and i'm on terrible terms with about half of them ^_^; for a while, i didn't even want to look at this comic. it made me really sad to think about how quickly these once-treasured friendships crumbled. i also felt bad continuing to display this comic when we had horrible falling outs not that long after. i didn't want to cause more issues with these individuals, and wanted to both be left alone and at least offer them some basic respect, even though they had not offered me the same.

but i really like this comic. i worked hard on it, and i treasure the memories i made on this trip, because the other half of this cast are still in my life and i love them very much. i don't feel pain over these lost friendships because they never really cross my mind anymore. and... it's also just a really hilarious story, why keep it hidden? it's been long enough that i feel like it's fine for me to post this - these characters barely resemble their real life counterparts, and i've blocked out all identifying information. and, really - at an art school full of drama-prone art kids, everyone's gonna have that one comic or film that's got their evil ex in it or something.

well, without further ado - here is the ihop incident. this is the story about how myself, my future partner, my angel roommate, my demon roommate, and the freeloading fifth roommate went out to dinner at 10pm and didn't return home until 3am. and i refuse tell you who's who.