being john malkovich
my first introduction to this flick was a garfield fanfiction someone made. they put all the garfield characters into the plot of the movie and there was a lot of garfield sex. i came across it by accident and was morbidly curious about what was going on so i read the whole thing. the movie was much weirder than the garfield fanfic. no further questions, please.
this movie is weird! i'm baffled that they got the actual guy to sign off on this! can you imagine being john malkovich and someone offers you a script about a bunch of people using you as a vessel and selling tickets to live in your head for fifteen minutes and having weird john malkovich sex in your body and getting into violent love triangle entanglements with each other over it? can you imagine? like what the hell man. incredible that he not only allowed this but actively starred in it. great stuff, really.
it's weird. everything about this movie is strange, off-kilter, and mildly disturbing, and i think that's great. i've seen plenty of quirky and offbeat movies, but being john malkovich is bizarre. it's like an art student's film project given a much bigger budget and a-list actors. it's kind of hard to believe that anyone sat down and wrote this movie. i prefer to believe that it just spawned from the ground one day and was mysteriously found. jokes aside, of course, the writing here is impressive in how deeply strange it is. not a single second of normalcy in these entire two hours.
pleasantly surprised by the love triangle that's an actual love triangle - it's always one of my pet peeves when people describe one person being in love with two people as a "love triangle." people are afraid of actual love triangles because it always involves some level of queerness by necessity. bonus points if it's terrible. i need all of them to be mutually obsessed with each other in increasingly toxic and messed up ways. now i'm interested. or, well - i guess with the inclusion of john malkovich it's a love rectangle? except he's not really in the love rectangle. he's like... sitting in the middle of the triangle. is this anything
it's not perfect - sometimes i feel like this movie leans so much into the strangeness that it occasionally lacks structure where it might benefit from just a few more bones. some of the characters feel a little bit flat, and i'm not sure that there's anything deeper about this movie beyond the surface level of "imagine how fucked UP it would be if you could crawl into john malkovich's head for fifteen minutes and it made you insane." but maybe that's alright.
extremely bizarre movie. extremely fun watch. they gave the chimpanzee a character arc.